Quad Block Quiz

A captivating game concept by Duncan Sparrel that we executed to teach cybersecurity in a fun and educational way.


We craft mobile apps that run seamlessly on any device, delivering exceptional user experiences.


Game Development, custom software development, DevOps, WebApp.


A real-time game centered around Tetris, with real-life trivia challenges related to supply chain security.

About Quad Block Quiz

Duncan Sparrel created the Quad Block Quiz (QBQ) to help protect against cyber threats. It’s a real-time game that teaches cybersecurity while you play. As you move Tetris blocks, you learn how to defend against digital attacks. The game has increased cybersecurity awareness and prepared us for a safer digital future.

The challenge

Duncan Sparrel, a cybersecurity expert, recognized a critical challenge concerning the vulnerability of software systems to malicious cyberattacks. To address this, he required a conference tool that could educate participants interactively and fun, all while addressing these vulnerabilities within the game.

The Solution

A real-time game,designed to educate players on cyber security while entertaining them. It’s an epic quest for safety in our increasingly connected world, that, turns players into cyber guardians. As you navigate through this digital adventure, you’re not just playing, you’re learning how to protect yourself in the digital world.


The Real-Time Game Application has made a significant impact. It’s not just a game, but an educational tool that increases cybersecurity awareness. Users are not only having fun but also learning about cybersecurity threats. This game has successfully engaged users, educated them, and promoted better cyber hygiene practices. It’s more than a game; it’s a journey towards becoming more cyber-resilient. The knowledge gained from this game is helping users to navigate the digital world safely.

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